The „Mühlhäuser Arbeitskreises für Reichsstadtgeschichte“ (Research Working Group of Mühlhausen “History of the Free Imperial Cities”) holds its annual conference from Carnival Monday to Ash Wednesday at the Logenhaus (before 01.4.2024 “Puschkinhaus”) in Mühlhausen|Thuringia. Here you can find information on past and upcoming conferences.
Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) are published by Michael Imhof Verlag.
Planned Conferences
2026: Imperial Cities and Education
16th – 18th February
2027: Imperial Cities and Justice
8th – 10th February
Upcoming conference
2025: Strangers in Imperial Cities
3rd – 5th March
Conferences realised
2024: Imperial Cities in Peasants’ War
12th – 14th February
2023: Small Imperial Cities
20th – 22th February
Information on the conference
To the conference program
Available: Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) – Volume 11: Small Imperial Cities
2022: Protagonists of Imperial Cities
28th February – 2nd March
Information on the conference
To the conference program
Available: Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) – Volume 9: Protagonists of Imperial Cities
2020: Imperial Cities and Violence
24th – 26th February
Information on the conference
To the conference program
Available: Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) – Volume 8: Imperial Cities and Violence
2019: Imperial Cities and Agriculture
4th – 6th March
Information on the conference
To the conference program
Available: Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) – Volume 7: Imperial Cities and Agriculture
2018: Imperial City as an Argument
12th – 14th February
Information on the conference
To the conference program
Available: Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) – Volume 6: Imperial Cities as an Argument
2017: Imperial Cities and Money
27th February – 1st March
Information on the conference
To the conference program
Available: Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) – Volume 5: Imperial Cities and Money
2016: Imperial Cities and Religious Conflict
8th – 10th February
Information on the conference
To the conference program
Available: Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) – Volume 4: Imperial Cities and Religious Conflict
2015: Interactions between Emperor, Realm and Imperial Cities
16th – 18th February
Information on the conference
To the conference program
2014: Imperial Insignia – Representations and Symbols of the Empire in Imperial Cities
3rd – 5th March
Information on the conference
To the conference program
2013: Tempi passati – Commemoration of Imperial Cities
11th – 13th February
Information on the conference
To the conference program
Available: Studien zur Reichsstadtgeschichte (SRG) – Volume 1: Tempi passati – Commemoration of Imperial Cities
Gerd Schwerhoff,
evening lecture 2020
Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger,
evening lecture 2018
Rolf Hammel-Kiesow,
moderation 2016
Thomas Schilp,
initial conferenc 2013